2020 Texas Differential Equations Conference
The University of Texas at Austin
Saturday March 7, 2020 (In order of presentation)
Parallel session 1:
- Francesco Maggi, The Univ,. of Texas - Austin, Soap films and capillarity theory.
- Changfeng Gui, The Univ. of Texas - San Antonio, A variant of Aubin-Onofri-inequalities on the sphere.
- Pablo Raul Stinga, Iowa State Univ. - Ames, IA, On nonlocal Monge–Ampere equations.
- Erica de la Canal, The Univ. of Texas - Austin, Propagation of solutions to Boltzmann systems in Banach spaces.
- Logan Stokols The Univ. of Texas - Austin, SQG on bounded domains.
- Qinfeng Li, The Univ. of Texas - San Antonio, Interior approximation of sets of finite perimeter and applications to traces and extensions of divergence measure fields and BV functions.
- Vesselin Vatchev, The Univ. of Texas - Rio Grande Valley, Decomposition of two-soliton solutions for KdV and the good Boussinesq equations.
- Baofeng Feng, The Univ,. of Texas - Rio Grande Valley, Breather and rogue wave solutions to the short pulse equations.
- Jacky Chong, The Univ. of Texas - Austin, Dynamical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation of interacting Bose gas.
Parallel session 1:
- Mary Vaughan, Iowa State Univ. - Ames, IA, A priori estimates for fractional powers of nondivergence form elliptic operators.
- Animesh Biswas, Iowa State Univ. - Ames, IA, Regularity theory for nonlocal space-time master equations.
- Jonathan Stanfil, Baylor Univ. - Waco, Texas, Determining values of spectral zeta-functions for Sturm-Liouville operators.
- Ray Treinen, Texas State Univ., The existence of an energy minimizing configuration for multiple solid objects floating in a bath of three liquids.
- Yeyao Hu, The Univ. of Texas - San Antonio, Interior and Boundary bubblings of a mean field equation with Neumann boundary condition.
- Neil Jerome A. Egarguin, Univ. of Houston, Texas, Active Manipulation of Acoustic Fields in Homogeneous Constant Depth Ocean Environments.
- Weihong Xie, Central South Univ. of China, Multiple positive solutions for the critical Kirchhoff type problems.
- Guangze Gu, Central South Univ. of China, Existence of positive ground state solutions for some class of non-autonomous fractional Kirchhoff equation.
- Kun Gou, Texas A&M Univ. - San Antonio, Computational modeling of thickening of arterial intimal tissue.
- Christina Martinez, Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, Texas, A study of one-dimensional flame propagation model via a system of nonlinear differential equations.
- Farzana Hussain, Huston–Tillotson Univ., Austin Texas, Estimation of maximum water levels along east coast of India due to Interaction of storm surge and tide – application to cyclone Phailin (2013).
Parallel session 1:
- Qi Han, Texas A&M Univ. - San Antonio, On the differential independence of zeta and Gamma.
- Taoufik Meklachi, Penn State Univ. - Harrisburg, PA, Full expansion of resonances of 3D high contrast linear and non-linear media with an asymptotic approximation.
- Eleftherios Gkioulekas, The Univ. of Texas - Rio Grande Valley, The effect of the asymmetric Ekman term on the phenomenology of the two-layer quasigeostrophic model.
- Salvatore Stuvard, The Univ. of Texas - Austin, An existence theorem for mean curvature flow with fixed boundary conditions, with applications to Plateau’s problem.
- Youn-Sha Chan, Univ. of Houston - Downtown, Texas, A crack problem modeled under strain gradient elasticity of bi-Helmholtz type,
- Dambaru Bhatta, The Univ. of Texas - Rio Grande Valley, Hydrothermal convective flow in a porous layer in presence of a contaminant.
- Karen Yagdjian, The Univ. of Texas - Rio Grande Valley, Small data wave maps in cyclic spacetime.
- Anahit Galstyan, The Univ. of Texas - Rio Grande Valley, Blow up of solutions of the semilinear wave equation in the Einstein-de Sitter spacetime.
- Andras Balogh, The Univ. of Texas - Rio Grande Valley, High performance computations for a nonlinear wave equation with black hole embedded in an expanding universe.
Irene Gamba, Francesco Maggi, Salvatore Stuvard: The Univ. of Texas - Austin.
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